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The Rise of Skywalker Fan Theory - Why Did Kylo Ren Not Know Rey’s True Parentage?

While I overall enjoyed The Rise of Skywalker, it did leave me with some unanswered questions. Several of these involved Rey’s lineage. Sure, the novelization has confirmed that Rey’s father was a failed clone, but for the sake of this theory, I’m going to ignore this because I’m only considering the movies as canon. This theory attempts to answer the important question of how Kylo Ren did not know the whole truth about Rey’s parentage in The Last Jedi. In the pivotal scene in The Last Jedi in which Kylo Ren reveals who Rey’s parents were, he says that they were “junk traders who sold (her) off for drinking money,” are dead on Jakku, and that she has no place in this story. In The Rise of Skywalker, he claims that he wasn’t lying and that her parents were nobody because they chose to be to keep her safe. But how did he not see this in the previous film? Why did he only see a half-truth? It would make sense that the Force show him everything. However, this makes sense since what Rey claims to have seen is also only a half-truth. She says that she saw Ben’s future, that he would not bow to Snoke and will turn. Only half of this becomes true over the course of that film. He kills Snoke but becomes Supreme Leader. He doesn’t turn until the third act of the next film, and only after she reveals why she didn’t take his hand. Ren had predicted that Rey would turn because of her parentage, but it only proves the opposite and causes her prediction to ultimately come true. Now, was Ren lying when he told her about her parents? After The Rise of Skywalker, that appears unlikely, since he genuinely was kept in the dark about her true heritage. Instead, he only saw half of the truth, that Rey’s parents were nobodies who sold her off. But what if they appeared this way on purpose? What if they were disguised as junk traders, and when they sold her, while they had a private moment proving their love and affection, to the sellers, she was sold for drinking money? It’s also very possible that while it appears they were killed elsewhere, they were buried on Jakku. Thus, this was only half of the truth he was able to see. But what if it wasn’t a half-truth at all? What if he never would have been able to know the truth on his own because it was hidden from the Force? It’s possible that Palpatine used the Force to hide Rey’s true heritage. Or what if it was her father that used the Force to hide her away? If he were Force-sensitive like his father, he could manipulate the Force as so her parentage would never be truly revealed. This would explain why Ren says that Rey has no place in this story because it was hidden. As stated earlier, the reveal in the novelization that Rey’s father was a failed clone changes part of this theory since it means that he probably wasn’t Force-sensitive (unless he was, just not powerful enough to suit Palpatine). However, even if this really is canon, it could still remain that Kylo Ren only saw half of the truth just as Rey did in The Last Jedi. Either way, even though some people have a problem with the Rey Palpatine reveal, there is some evidence to prove that it still does fit the story laid out in the entire trilogy.

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