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The One Change Needed to Fix Toy Story 4

(This post contains MAJOR SPOILERS)

I had a similar experience watching Toy Story 4 as I did last year with Incredibles 2. They were both films I saw on opening weekend and enjoyed overall while watching them, only to realize right after they were over that they were massive disappointments. Along with The Good Dinosaur, these are the only Pixar films that I haven’t wanted to own on DVD and that’s a big deal for me. (And yes, for the record, I do own Cars 2 on DVD and don’t hate it.) The difference with Toy Story 4 was that I wasn’t just disappointed with the movie, I was furious. The ending in many ways does not work, despite all the articles claiming otherwise. Woody’s leaving the gang behind to be with Bo felt like a complete regress of his character growth from the previous three films. Being there for his child is his core belief throughout the franchise. Having him leave not that long after finding a new child makes him seem selfish. Bonnie could easily be going through an anti-Woody phase, but might very well decide later that she’d like to play with him again. Plus, his comforting Bonnie on her kindergarten orientation day proves that in many ways, Buzz was wrong and Bonnie does still need him. In its current form, it would make more sense for Woody to say goodbye to Bo (which was apparently the original ending) or insist she come with them, even if she never revealed her presence to Bonnie. However, there is one major change that could have fixed Toy Story 4, and that is to make Bonnie older. First of all, this would reflect the time gap between the release of Toy Story 3 and 4, the same way the time lapse in Toy Story 3 reflected the real-world passage of time. It would also help Woody’s reasons for leaving seem less selfish. Bonnie wouldn’t necessarily have to be going to college like Andy was, but perhaps starting middle school and reaching the age in which she no longer needs her toys. That way, Woody’s time in the closet would feel much less temporary. Woody would actually be coping with change and the struggle that the writers were intending to convey would actually be shown as the cycle of growing up begins again. Not only that, but the gang would have to deal with the possibility of being separated soon anyway, and their knowing that Woody was happy in his choice would give them peace. As it is right now, most of the gang, having been relegated to the back of the RV, have no reason to let Woody go and would have insisted he stayed. Granted, this change would greatly alter the plot, especially the presence of Forky. If they wanted to keep him, they could easily start with his creation, then do a flash forward in which he is still struggling with being a toy. Deleting the character entirely wouldn’t hurt the movie either, though, since he was a good idea with a poor execution. This also doesn’t fix the problem of Bo, whom Woody is supposedly in love with, even though her new self bears little resemblance physically or behaviorally to her previously established character. Buzz’s story arc would have been a better fit for Toy Story 2, and seems out of place in this current film, since he’s already had years of experience being a toy. The original plot of Toy Story 4 was going to involve Woody and Buzz going on a road trip specifically to find Bo, and although it sounded like a weak story when I first heard about it, I now think it sounds better. If the ending were to have remained the same, Woody’s deliberately seeking her would have made his intentions more clear, making the story more focused. However, this plotline could have faced the same issues as the final product if Bonnie were kept young. So either way, if the writers had made more time pass, then Toy Story 4's themes of retirement, moving on, and dealing with change would have unfolded in a less-jarring and more organic way.

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