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Captain Marvel and The Lego Movie 2 Have the Same Twist

(This post contains SPOILERS for Captain Marvel and The Lego Movie 2)

Captain Marvel and The Lego Movie 2 Posters

Released only a month apart, Captain Marvel and The Lego Movie 2 are two very different films, with two different ratings and for different audiences. However, they both essentially have the same third act twist of a nature that it completely changes the audiences' perspective of the story that has unfolded, and it revolves around the antagonist. In both films, the protagonist was “rescued” and joined ranks with a mentor figure who turned out to be the antagonist and the group that was supposedly villainous actually just wanted peace. In both movies, the mentor figure wants them to act a certain way (Yon Rogg wants Carol to suppress her emotions while Rex wants Emmet to become tougher) and the audience learns the true intentions of the supposed antagonists when one of them takes off their mask/shapeshifting disguise and tells the truth, along with evidence (the black box in Captain Marvel and Queen Watevra Wa’Nabi being the heart Emmet made in The Lego Movie 2). They also both take place partially in space. This twist is part of a growing trend in film regarding the villains. It seems that in recent years, the best villains are those with whom the audience can empathize with a little, or are part of a twist and aren’t really villains at all. It will be interesting to see how this trend continues as time goes on and if any other 2019 will use this twist (highly doubt Avengers: Endgame is one of them).

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