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What I Want To See in ‘Stranger Things’ Season Three

(This article contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Stranger Things Season Two)

It’s approaching the one year anniversary of the release of season two of Stranger Things. Filming for season 2 is still underway. With the anticipation for the next season still very high, here is the list of things I personally would like to see in season 3.

Fallout From Shutdown of Hawkins Lab

One of the biggest shakeups of the status quo at the end of season 2 was the complete shutdown of Hawkins Lab. We got some of the reactions from ordinary townsfolk in the finale, but hopefully, we’ll get more evidence of the fallout in season 3. Let’s hope that new mall in the first teaser is nowhere near the old lab.

Back to the Future References

It’s been confirmed that season 3 is taking place in 1985 and it’s been confirmed that this season will include some references to one of my favorite films, so this is something I’m definitely looking forward to. I also think it’d be cool if they incorporate time travel into the story, though I’m not sure how that would work. However, with this show, nothing is outside the realm of possibility, especially since that there are fan theories saying that the Upside Down is actually the future.

Give Joyce and Will Byers (and Their House) a Break

It’s been confirmed that the writers are thankfully giving Will a break. Sure, Noah Schnapp is a great actor and he definitely got to show off his talent this past season, but even if a little bit of the Mind Flayer is still inside Will, his character deserves a little less of a supernatural arc. Hopefully, Joyce and their house will get also a break and not go through such hell again. I don’t think she could go through such trauma for a third year in a row.

More of Lucas’s Sister

Fortunately, it’s been confirmed that Erica, Lucas’s hilarious sister, will be a season regular, so hopefully, she will not only be hilarious again but possibly contribute to the plot, even if only just a little.

More Dad Steve

Steve has become one of the best characters of the series after starting out as one of the worst. Dad Steve is awesome, so here’s hoping that he is back babysitting the kids. We know that he’s working at the ice cream shop at the new mall, but maybe we’ll learn what else he’s up to now that he’s graduated.

More Adorable Romance

The romance, especially between Mike and Eleven, is one of my favorite aspects of the show. I would love to see more romance, just hopefully no more additional love triangles this next season.

Potential Joyce/Hopper Romance, or At Least Some Progression

It’s been two seasons and fans are still shipping Joyce and Hopper. They certainly have a strong connection and hopefully, even if they’re not officially together, hopefully after a year, they are a little closer to becoming a couple, especially since Bob’s out of the picture. Besides, Joyce already has a strong bond with Eleven, who could use a mother figure.

Justice for Bob

While there doesn’t need to be a whole subplot like the one for Barb in season 2, Bob’s sacrifice should not be entirely forgotten next season. While closing the gate did provide some justice for Bob, having the characters keep his memory alive would provide the character justice.

Explain What Happened to the Byers Dog

Actor Noah Schnapp possibly spoiled that his dog from season one is dead. It’d be nice if we could have a confirmation in the show.

What Happened to Dustin’s Turtle?

Speaking of missing pets, while Mews definitely died, we didn’t completely find out what happened to Dustin’s turtle, Yertle during the season. The writers confirmed that he was still alive so hopefully, we get to at least briefly see him next season.

Bring Back Mike and Nancy’s Sister

Holly, Mike and Nancy’s young sister, was barely seen in season two. It’d be interesting to see a little more of her next season now that she’s a little older.

Bring Back Brenner

While season two, episode 7 is divisive, it did provide some important information, including the bombshell that Brenner is still alive somehow. It’s unlikely that this would have come up without being paid off later, so it’s very likely that Brenner would return, which would be very interesting now that Eleven has a new father figure in Hopper, who would do anything to protect her from him.

Kali in Hawkins

Speaking of episode 7, Kali is one of the most important aspects of the episode, and will somehow return to the show. Hopefully, that return happens in Hawkins, with her coming to the town, and here’s hoping that she comes alone as well, since her crew members really weren’t that interesting. It would also be cool to see her return since Eleven never did outright tell Hopper what she did to get her bitchin’ look, at least based on what we saw.

More Siblings

Since Kali is number eight, there are undoubtedly more siblings from Hawkins Lab. SNL even seems to think that the siblings will be important in season three as well, doing an entire sketch devoted to the concept. Hopefully, the show won’t leave Hawkins, but we’ll still be introduced to more powered characters.

Is it Eleven Or Jane?

Since it’s confirmed that Eleven’s true name is Jane, it’ll be interesting to see the party react to this and possibly debate exactly what to call her, even though they’ll probably stick with El as her nickname and Jane as her official name.

Eleven Adjusting to Being Officially Adopted

While Eleven will now have been living with Hopper for two years when the show resumes, it will be interesting to see her adjust to being Jane Hopper outside of the cabin. It will also be interesting to see other people react to Hopper’s new daughter.

Eleven in Contact With Her Friends While in Hiding

Dr. Owens suggested that Hopper keep Eleven hidden another year, but now that Mike and the others know she’s alive, there’s no way that Mike is not going to stay in contact with her, even if that means visiting her at the hideout and possibly giving her her own walkie-talkie. It would be nice to know how they’ve stayed in touch during the year.

Eleven Receiving an Education

If Eleven joins the party in high school, it would be interesting to see her receive a formal education, as it seems likely to be the case. It would also be understandably difficult for her to conceal her powers entirely if she does indeed go to school.

Will/Eleven Interactions

After two seasons, we still have never really seen Will and Eleven interact, so it’s long overdue that we get to see them develop a friendship, especially considering she helped save his life twice and is now in a relationship with his best friend.

Fallout From What Hopper and Dustin Were Sprayed With

As long as their characters don’t die, there will undoubtedly be some fallout from whatever it was that Hopper and Dustin were sprayed in.

New Monster, Along With the Return of the Mind Flayer

This has been confirmed by the producers that the big bad of season three will be a new villain, but the Mind Flayer will undoubtedly return in some capacity.

What Happened with That Dead Demodog

This is obviously a tease for something, but it will be nice to know what happened to that demodog that Dustin stuffed in the fridge. We didn’t even get to see Joyce’s reaction to it unless he somehow moved it before she got home.

Mr. Clarke Learning More of the Truth

I would love it if Mr. Clarke would learn at least a little bit of the truth and possibly help the main characters when dealing with whatever new evil they are fighting.

Have the Other Parents Get a Better Idea of What Is Going On

In addition to Mr. Clarke, I think it would be cool if the other boys’ parents get a clue that there is more going on than they might have believed, even if they don’t know the entire story of what’s going on.

A Musical Episode

This might sound strange, but if you’ve seen the clip of the four boys on The Late Late Show with James Corden, then you know that they can sing. I’m not saying the entire episode should be a musical, but I’d love to see them perform at least one song during the course of Stranger Things. And no, the boys humming the Ghostbusters theme in season two episode 2 doesn’t count.

Confirm What Was in the Egg in the Season 1 Finale

We still haven’t gotten an answer to what those eggs that Hopper noticed in the season one finale actually are. Hopefully, we’ll learn this next season.

Someone Other Than Eleven Save the Day in the Climax

Eleven has saved the day two seasons in a row. It would be great if someone else could save the day in the season three finale instead. It would be even great if Will is the one who saves the day.

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