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What I Want to See in ‘Pirates of the Caribbean 6'

It was in the news recently that Disney is indeed developing a sixth Pirates of the Caribbean film, and I couldn’t be happier. When Dead Men Tell No Tales was released, it was advertised as the final adventure, teasing a sense of closure for the franchise. This sense of closure was evident up until the end credits. However, the post-credits scene of this film, unlike the tags of the other Pirates films, had more of a Marvel feel to it as it set-up a potential sequel, and one to be excited about. I personally became so excited that I started checking on its status at the box office for the year, hoping that the Disney executives would be persuaded to continue the franchise as they hoped. After all, Dead Men Tell No Tales was my favorite film of 2017, and that was a really good year for movies. With the sixth film in development, here are some things that I want to see in Pirates of the Caribbean 6. Massive SPOILERS for the Pirates films follow.

Will and Elizabeth

The reunion between Will and Elizabeth was one of the best things about Pirates 5. With that post-credits scene, it would be wonderful if they could return, especially since Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightly haven’t been doing that much work in recent years. It would especially be nice to see Will adjust to life no longer as captain while Elizabeth might want to return to the sea, which could create some interesting conflict. Their return was one of the best parts of the last film, so it would be pointless to do another film without them, even if they have relatively small roles.

Explanation of What Happened to Will and Elizabeth the Past 21 Years

If Will and Elizabeth are in the next film, it would be nice to learn what they’ve been up to for the last 21 years since At World’s End. What was it like for Elizabeth to be alone (supposedly) on that island for all those years? Why is Elizabeth’s hair darker? Why was Will covered in barnacles after his second “one day?” When did Henry leave the island?

Return of Davy Jones

The post-credits scene had the awesome reveal that Davy Jones somehow came back to life after the Trident was destroyed. It would suck if they don’t follow that up at all and we don’t see Davy Jones return.

Davy Jones As a Human

If all curses are truly broken, then it would only make more sense if Davy Jones was a human. Granted, he still had his claw hand in that post-credits scene, but it could be that he was slowly turning back into a human, hence why he’s dropping barnacles.

What Other Curses Have Been Lifted?/Fallout From Breaking the Trident

Destroying the Trident must have some lasting effects on the world of Pirates of the Caribbean, so hopefully, that’s explored more fully in the sixth film. Surely it would have wreaked all sorts of havoc on the world of the franchise.

Return of Calypso

If Davy Jones returns, it would be fitting if Calypso did as well. It would be very interesting to learn what she’s been up to and see her in a different form that Tia Dalma. Naomie Harris could still return, just with a different look. If Davy Jones is not a human and his curse isn’t fully lifted, she should return since that means her powers are stronger than the Trident.

Still a New (Not Undead) Villain

Even with Davy Jones and possibly Calypso in my ideal sixth film, I still think there should be a new villain, and one that isn’t cursed, keeping continuity with the breaking of the Trident.

More Mythology

One of the most interesting aspects of the franchise is the way it adapts existing mythology into something uniquely complex and intriguing. Hopefully, they can do the same thing with a different piece of maritime mythology.

More of Carina’s Science Helping the Pirates

Carina started to accept the fact that she’s the daughter of a pirate by the end of Dead Men Tell No Tales, so there’s a chance she could embrace it in the next film. If she goes on another adventure, it would be nice to see her scientific knowledge puts to good use, even if her fellow pirates don’t fully understand it.

Return of Shansa

Shansa was an intriguing, but brief character that could easily be explored further in the next installment. Having her return would definitely help connect the two films.

Keep Jack As a Side Character

There have been arguments that they shouldn’t bring back Johnny Depp for the next film, even though the filmmakers said they wouldn’t do a Pirates film without him. Either way, it would be nice to see him return, but it would be best if he was a side character and not the focus of the film. That way, we don’t risk him losing the Black Pearl. Again.

Jack Keeping the Pearl the Entire Movie

If Jack Sparrow returns, he should actually be able to keep the Black Pearl the entire movie, especially since his rival Barbossa is gone. That way, he could go through at least one movie without having to worry about losing her or getting her back. The Pearl’s gone through enough already. She deserves a break.

Jack Less Drunk

People complained about Johnny Depp’s performance in the last film. I didn’t mind it so much since it made sense to me. Jack is older, he was at a low point in his life, and that lead him to being very drunk. However, with the Pearl back, I’d like to see him less drunk. He could still obsess over rum, but he shouldn’t be quite as drunk.

Jack/Will and Elizabeth Reunion (and Gibs/Elizabeth Reunion)

The one disappointment with the ending of Dead Men Tell No Tales is that while Jack saw Will and Elizabeth reunited, he wasn’t reunited with them at all. To see all three of them on the big screen again would be absolutely great. I’d also love to see Gibs and Elizabeth reunited as well since he’s known her since before the first scene of the franchise.

Return of More Side Characters

Where are Pintel and Ragetti? Marty? Bootstrap Bill Turner? Right now, it just appears that they somehow died or left the Pearl before Blackbeard attacked and shrunk it, and Bootstrap is supposedly on the Dutchman. If this is the last film of the franchise, I’d love to see those characters return or at least know what happened to them.

Great Music

One of the best parts of the franchise is the music. I was disappointed with the score of On Stranger Tides but felt that Geoff Zanelli did a great job with Dead Men Tell No Tales. No matter who they get to do the score, they should do a good job of combining the classic Pirates themes with new ones for the new film.

Satisfying Conclusion to the Series

I feel that the sixth film should probably be the last of the series, as much as I love it and it would be bittersweet for it to end. If it truly is the end, hopefully, it will be a satisfying conclusion to the epic franchise.

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