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Unanswered Questions After 'The Flash' Season Four

(This post contains MAJOR SPOILERS for The Flash season four)

The Flash has recently finished its fourth season, and it was definitely a strong improvement over the stressful season 3. I personally loved the show this year, and am looking forward to next season. While the cliffhanger wasn’t quite as agonizing as the other three, there are still plenty of unanswered questions going into season 5 that are hopefully answered sooner rather than later. (Please keep in mind I’m only vaguely familiar with the comics.) What Was Nora Allen’s Big Mistake?

Obviously, the biggest question going into season 5 is regarding what Nora Allen called her “big, big mistake,” and hopefully this is answered at least partially in the premiere. It certainly has to be big enough that she would travel to the past, breaking her father’s rule about time traveling. Why Was Nora Allen Popping Up In the Past and Interacting With Everyone? Was there a specific reason Nora was at all those specific places? Why did she interact with everyone on Team Flash except Iris? Was the big mistake because of her interfering with the past? These are all questions that Nora is going to have to answer, hopefully sooner than later, next season. Why Is Nora Allen’s Haircut Different When She Finally Reveals Herself? Nora has a ponytail in all her appearances until the season finale when she finally reveals herself. There is a fan theory floating around that all the previous times Nora appeared before the finale wasn’t Nora but her twin sister Dawn, which would explain the difference in hair and why she seemed almost menacing when she spilled her coffee on Caitlin and Harry and after she delivered the baby gift to Joe and Cecile. Or she could be from a different timeline. Was Barry Supposed To Die From Punching the Satellite? Considering how damaged Barry’s suit was after Nora’s help, it’s possible that Barry was severely injured or died in an alternate timeline. That could be an interesting twist if Nora’s mistake was saving Barry’s life. It’d also be interesting how defeating Savitar last season affects this, considering that their method for defeating DeVoe was different from what Savitar had foretold. However, that still leaves the question of Barry disappearing in the April 2024 newspaper, unless that’s no longer part of the current timeline. Is Iris Currently Pregnant? If Barry really did die originally, then it would make sense if Iris is actually pregnant but doesn’t know it yet. Granted, we just went through a different pregnancy with Cecile and it might be considered repetitive if there was another pregnancy next season, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see. What’s With the Speed Force Language and “This House Is Bitchin’”? The season began with Barry coming out of the Speed Force, disillusioned and writing in a mysterious language, including the translated phrase “this house is bitchin’” (which after this and Stranger Things season 2, bitchin’ felt like the word of the year for TV). Later, Nora Allen is seen writing in this same language at CC Jitters. However, season 4 never really addressed this head-on after the premiere, at least until Nora said “this house is bitchin,’” making it seem as if the premiere was directly foreshadowing the finale. In a way, this makes the season almost feel like part one of a two-part long story, kind of like Avengers: Infinity War, even if it’s not technically “part one.” How Will Killer Frost Come Back? One of the biggest unresolved mysteries of season 4 is the origin of Killer Frost after Caitlin recovers her lost childhood memory. So how will this new origin be applied to bringing back Killer Frost? And when she does come back, will she remember everything that’s happened or will she once again resort to being evil? Frankly, I almost expected DeVoe to give Caitlin’s meta DNA to Marlize, but he didn’t, so who knows, maybe Ralph has her meta DNA inside of him? Who Is Thomas? When Cecile inhabits Caitlin’s mind in the finale, she speaks as Killer Frost, who mentions she “found Thomas” and has always been “this way.” Who is Thomas and how does Killer Frost, but not Caitlin, know who that is? There is a fan theory that Thomas is Caitlin’s father, and this is a lead-in to learning more about her origin. Is DeVoe Really Dead? I don’t want DeVoe to come back at all, but I have to wonder if Ralph retaking control of his body means he’s completely gone. And are his powers completely gone as well? Sure, there was that brief reappearance in the chair, but I’m just wondering if there are any repercussions that Ralph’s going to have to deal with in season 5. Will Sue Appear In Season 5? Sue is apparently Ralph’s love interest in the comics, and as soon as Ralph showed up, there’s been speculation that she would too someday. Since Ralph is alive and well again and has completed his journey into becoming a hero, season 5 would be a good time to introduce her. Who Is Jay Garrick Training On Earth-3? In episode 15, “Enter Flashtime,” Jay Garrick said that he’s decided to retire and train a female superhero, but we never got to learn who that was. Hopefully, we’ll learn who that is at some point next season. Does Captain Singh Know That Barry Is The Flash? I mean, come on! Half of Barry’s mask was off after he punched the satellite in the season finale, and Singh was looking right at him. Either way, it looks like Barry’s getting his job back next season.

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